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Top 5 Ways to Speed up Recovery after a Botox Procedure

3 min read
Recovery after a Botox Procedure

Recovery after a Botox Procedure

Call it the youthful face rush: today, more than ever, people are scouting for ways to have smooth, wrinkle-free skin. The good news is that with the non-invasive magic of line-erasing procedures such as Botox, getting a flawless skin is easy and straightforward. The only downside is that the procedures can be costly. That is why knowing a few tricks that you can use to limit your trips to the doctor after the procedures is vital. Without further ado, here are a few ways that you can leverage to speed up your recovery after a Botox procedure.

  • Avoid Strenuous Exercise

As much as the side effects are mild, you are still required to avoid any form of strenuous exercise for 24 hours after a Botox procedure. There could be some bruising, swelling or redness, which might be somehow uncomfortable. Avoiding strenuous exercises will help you feel comfortable as you recover. It also provides the Botox enough time to settle in areas it was intended to go. Taking it easy also gives your body an opportunity to focus on healing, which can go a long way in reducing bruising and swelling around the injection site. 

  • Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can thin your blood by reducing the number of platelets. It makes platelets aggregation to decrease hence making the platelets less sticky. This increases chances of bruising. So, for optimal results, completely stay away from alcohol a day prior to your treatment and a day after treatment.

  • Don’t Use Blood Thinners

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (or NSAID) can cause blood thinning leading to bruising. Basically, these drugs include aspirin, Advil, Aleve and Motrin.  Avoid these drugs at all cost for at least 24 hours after your Botox procedure to reduce the risk of bruising. So, before getting a Botox procedure, let your clinician know if you are currently on any medicine.

  • Elevate Your Head

When you lie down to rest or go to bed to sleep after a Botox procedure, strive to elevate your head a bit. You can elevate your head using pillows for the first two nights after the procedure. Elevating your head improves blood drainage from your head and prevents venous congestion which in turn prevents more swelling or bruising around the injection area.

  •  Avoid Heat   

Any form of heat such as the sun, hot showers, bath or sauna within the first 24 hours after a Botox procedure should be avoided. If exposed to heat, your blood vessels will dilate thus increasing your chances of bruising.

  • Avoid Touching the injection site

Touching the injection site can make the Botox to spread to areas that the injection was intended to go, giving you mixed results.

As you can see, speeding up your recovery after a Botox procedure is all about changing your lifestyle and routines for a day or two. The above highlighted tips, for instance, are easy to schedule and maintain. Don’t hesitate to implement them in your next Botox procedure and if you have any questions, always contact your clinician to clear your doubts.

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