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What is Green Tea? Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

3 min read
Green Tea

What is Green Tea? This question may have entered your mind, if you are interested in losing weight or just trying to keep your body healthy. Green tea has a number of health benefits, including the ability to protect the cardiovascular system and reducing the risk for certain types of cancers. But did you know that this delicious tea can also help you lose weight? Read on to find out more about what is Green Tea and how it can help you.

Green tea is a special kind of herbal tea that’s made from Camellia Sinensis leaves and buds that have not gone through the same oxidation and withering process utilized to create black teas and oolong teas. This allows green tea to have a longer shelf life, allowing you to enjoy freshness for a longer period of time. In fact, when you buy this tea, it will last for months and even years while other teas may only be good for the week or two they are stored in your fridge. Green tea comes in different varieties from rooibos to ericaceous, so you are sure to find a tea suited to your tastes and budget.

There are several types of teas with caffeine in them. One of the best known is Matcha green tea. This tea contains small amounts of caffeine, but because of the low amount of caffeine, it does not have much of an effect on your blood pressure. However, there are some teams out there that contain large amounts of caffeine like the variety. If you do drink any caffeinated beverages, make sure you don’t consume too much of them.

Another variety of teas that you may want to consider is an herbal tea like oolong. Oolong has a lot of antioxidants in it, including catechins. These catechins are like the antioxidants found in red wine. Studies have shown that there is a reduction in heart disease risk associated with the consumption of catechins. Because of this benefit, it is believed that long has many health benefits.

If you want a delicious cup of green tea, then you should try matcha tea. This tea contains a lot of antioxidants as well as manganese, calcium, and zinc. It may seem strange to add these kinds of minerals into your diet, but when you drink green tea, it can help. Matcha tea may also contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and E. Since these minerals are rich, they are great additions to your diet. You can use the liquid form of matcha tea or you can steep concentrated matcha tea. Either way, you can enjoy the health benefits that matcha tea may provide you.

When you are drinking green tea, it can help boost your memory and brain function. There have been many studies performed on this topic and the results are quite fascinating. One particular study that was performed showed that elderly women who drank at least three cups of green tea per day had better recall and memory than those who did not. In addition to boosting your brain function, you will also notice that your skin will become healthier. Your hair will look healthier, and you will find that you are less prone to skin infections and you will have a better immune system.

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