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Vape Francisco tires that are scented may have a boomerang on a large scale

2 min read
Vape Francisco tires

Vape Francisco tires

A new study from Yale University warned that cities might need to think twice before prohibiting flavorful tobacco products, including flavorful fluid vape containing nicotine. That’s because, according to a new research, the ban on San Francisco’s scented tobacco products seems to have the opposite of the intended effect – rather than reducing the use of adolescent nicotine, the evidence pointing in that direction encourages more adolescents to use traditional tobacco cigarettes.

The idea behind flavorful tobacco prohibitions – which includes menthol – is that teenagers may be more likely to do vape or use cigarettes if they have delicious sense like dessert or fruit. The prohibition, supporters argue, will remove the appeal of these products, hopefully it generates a decrease in the use of teen tobacco … just that doesn’t happen.

According to a new Yale study, the chances of teenagers San Francisco smoked cigarettes that flammable doubled after a ban, deviating from the trends observed elsewhere. Without taste, the researchers noted, adolescents may not have an incentive to choose electronic cigarettes on a flammable alternative, pushing them into cigarette packaging rather than the vape pod.

This is a problem for clear reasons: Even though Vape is not safe, the growing body of research has found evidence that they are far more harmless than ordinary tobacco cigarettes. Thus, this study was found, banning scented vape products could backfire for cities aimed at improving public health by encouraging young users to the most dangerous choices.

The researchers suggested that cities that seek alternatives might want to consider limiting tobacco products to stores that only allow adults aged 21 years and over. This will reduce teen exposure to general products in public places that they can visit such as gas stations and make it more difficult for young people to get it

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