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Unexpected pandemic locking benefits for people with IBS

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Unexpected pandemic locking benefits for people with IBS

Unexpected pandemic locking benefits for people with IBS

A newly published study revealed the surprising benefit of The Covid-19 Lockdown offered by IBS sufferers: Their symptoms improved during the order to stay. It is contrary to the expected results, according to the researchers, who anticipate that the patient’s symptoms will get worse during this pressure period, no better.

This study came from Buenos Aires University, where scientists investigated the impact of locking Covid-19 in a total of 129 IBS patients. Data has been collected in these patients before the pandemic locking in Argentina began, giving researchers the opportunity to distinguish information with survey data collected during locking.

Participants complete the online survey during locking, answering questions that explain things such as depression and their level of anxiety, as well as their IBS symptoms, among others. Although Argentina locking has become one of the longest enforced by a country, this study found that many patients experienced a significant increase in their conditions.

For example, the number of participants who experienced symptoms of heavy IBS fell to 39 of 65. The collective severity scale for participants also dropped 66 points, and participants reported an increase in matters such as anxiety, distension, and more. The researchers said this finding showed the effect of the brain in the intestine.

The lead author of the study Juan Pablo Stefanolo, MD, said:

One of our main hypotheses is that these patients will get worse because of pressure and stress because of Covid-19. We think the results have something to do with the people who live at home. They are not exposed to outside stress, and at home they can avoid food triggers.

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