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How Long Does Shroom Stay in Your Urine.

1 min read
Safe Male Vasectomy Procedure

Safe Male Vasectomy Procedure

How long does Shroom stay in your urine? If you ask my fellow coeds, it’s about two minutes maximum. When we’re young, our bodies build up a lot of chemicals that help us perform. But when we get older, the body becomes lazy and less efficient, so it takes longer to produce these same chemicals.

Shroom can help. It will keep your urine longer so it lasts all night, or until you have sex again. How long does Shroom stay in your urine, though? That depends on how much Shroom you’re drinking, how often you’re urinating, and how your body is going through the day. You should only drink one or two cans of Shroom per day, as much as possible of course, to achieve maximum effect.

Some people have a much easier time keeping their urine longer than others. The average time that someone has their urine last is only about two minutes, but if you’re drinking more or you’re not urinating at all, you might be lucky enough to hold on to it for a little bit longer. As a general rule, it should stay in for at least five to seven minutes. So that’s how long does Shroom stay in your urine.

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