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Growers Oxide: Eco-Friendly Disinfectant Solution For Your Grow Rooms

4 min read
Growers Oxide

Growers Oxide

Are you looking for a safe and non-toxic way to keep your grow rooms, clean? One way to go green is using eco-friendly sanitizer. This type of product offers an alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, which not only are bad for our health, but also can cause damage to the environment. Check out this article on the benefits of Growers Oxide, eco-friendly sanitizer that’s safe enough for both your home and home gardens. Growers Oxide is considered a medical-grade disinfectant, safe to use in gardens, horticultural applications, and in your home – and best of all,  it can help promote environmental sustainability.

What Is Growers Oxide?

Growers Oxide is a non-toxic and eco-safe solution to keeping your grow rooms clean and sanitized.

Unlike chemical cleaners that contain potentially harmful ingredients, eco-friendly sanitizers have safe ingredients that are environmentally-friendly, and family-friendly. This makes them safe to use on most surfaces while still providing effective cleaning power. They also biodegrade quickly and don’t leave behind any toxic residue.

What’s more, eco-friendly sanitizers are usually hypoallergenic and don’t contain any strong odors. They’re also better for the environment since they don’t contain aerosols, petrochemicals and other potentially harmful ingredients that can damage sensitive habitats such as grow rooms. If you’re looking to reduce your environmental impact while still cleaning effectively, Growers Oxide may be the perfect solution!

Growers Oxide uses chlorine dioxide as its active ingredient to clean surfaces deeply without producing any harmful residue. Our innovative solution is also free from harsh chemicals like ammonia and bleach, which can cause skin irritation and respiratory issues when inhaled. You can also purchase Growers Oxide with an easy-to-use spray bottle for quick cleaning solutions!

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of An Eco-Friendly Grow Room Cleaning Solution?

Growers Oxide

Our eco-friendly sanitizer can be used in grow rooms, horticultural applications in greenhouses, wineries, and nurseries, and even for stubborn odour remediation. Growers Oxide is a versatile non-toxic sanitizer that provides a deep and thorough cleaning, while being environmentally-friendly. Here are some of the benefits of using Growers Oxide for your growing facilities:

Eco-Friendly Sanitizers Improves Air Quality

One of the advantages of using Growers Oxide is that it can help improve the air quality inside your grow room and growing facilities. Chemical cleaners often release harsh fumes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can pollute the air inside, leading to health complications. Using Growers Oxide is a great way to keep your indoors safe without sacrificing air quality in the process.

Growers Oxide is free from harsh chemicals and doesn’t contain alcohol, making it a great option for all levels of growing – from wineries, in-home gardens, cannabis production facilities, and anywhere the safety of plant life and cleanliness is a concern. Our product is available with refillable Flairosol sprayers, also minimizing your environmental impact. Furthermore, Growers Oxide is Health Canada approved for use in electrostatic sprayers.

No Residual Chemicals Leftover After Cleaning

One of the benefits of using eco-friendly sanitizers is that they leave no harsh chemicals or residues on surfaces after cleaning. Unlike other common cleaners, which may contain harsh and potentially toxic chemicals, Growers Oxide won’t leave any dangerous residue on surfaces. This means you don’t have to worry about being exposed to chemicals while still having a clean and disinfected grow space. Additionally, because eco-friendly sanitizers lack the harsh chemicals that are often found in traditional cleaners, they are less likely to damage surfaces.

Eco-friendly sanitizers have many benefits for the environment and even your health. For instance, these types of sanitizers are biodegradable and leave no harmful residues on surfaces after cleaning. This means that you can trust that your grow room  will be safe from any potentially toxic chemical residue left behind by traditional cleaners. Therefore, Growers Oxide is a great choice when it comes to keeping your growing facility clean and healthy without damaging the environment.

Growers Oxide Kills Bacteria Quickly

Growers Oxide

The power of eco-friendly sanitizers like Growers Oxide  is not to be underestimated; when used effectively and in the proper dilutions, our innovative grow room sanitizer can tackle anything from cleaning equipment, to eradication of biofilms and even nasty odour remediation.

Growers Oxide is suitable to be used in cannabis cultivation facilities, large scale wineries, and because it is NSF certified food-safe, Growers Oxide is safe for food production facilities such as commercial vegetable gardens. So if it’s eco-friendly sanitizing you need, look no further than Growers Oxide!

Try Growers Oxide Today

Discover the difference that Growers Oxide can make today for your production facility, commercial grow room, or indoor garden. Growers Oxide makes a great cleaning solution anywhere there is plant matter and growing equipment that needs to be sanitized safely.

Try Growers Oxide for yourself. We ship Canada-wide.

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