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Different types of ways to treat drug addiction

3 min read
Different types of ways to treat drug addiction

Different types of ways to treat drug addiction

There are many ways to treat this awful disease that takes 10 percent lives every year. Drug addiction is something that has become a serious issue around the globe, mainly due to the fact that drugs are rampant all around the world. People are selling drugs like hot cakes. In this context, illegal drugs are being talked about and illegal drugs are sold in every neighborhood. There is at least one person that sells drugs in every community. These are the people that do not want drug addicts to recover because this is how they make their income.

There is no need to be proud of the excessive money one makes by selling illegal drugs. Because these drugs are ruining lives, ruining relationships that are extremely valuable, ruining work life, ruining school life, and just about everything else of the drug addict. The drug addict is getting diseases after disease, every month there is a new disease but the illegal drug dealer won’t care about it as long as the drug dealer’s pockets are filled with money. 

Therefore, it is up to the family members, the friends, and relatives to help the drug addict in this hard time. Make no mistake about it that there are many ways to deal with drug addiction, and all of those ways will be discussed below:

Stop Together, the porn addiction therapy site, identified that addiction, no matter what the domain (i.e. drugs, porn, alcohol etc) can be treated with similar or if not the same methodologies.
Their program utilises mindfulness & meditation techniques people can use from the comfort of their own home.

Treatment through detox process.

What is a detox process exactly? A detox process is where the drug addict is told and forced to take the drugs out of their life that they are addicted to. The drug addict has no choice but to do accordingly as this is the part of the treatment. This detox process can work different for each treatment program, whether it is outpatient rehab treatment or inpatient rehab treatment. 

Treatment by getting outpatient rehab.

Outpatient rehab is as you can see from the name. It is more of a rehab treatment that lets the patient go outside and take part in the real world while getting treatment for their drug addiction at the rehab enter. The schedule works like this at the start. The patient and the rehab specialist sit together and devise a plan where the patient has to give 1-3 hours of their day to the rehab centers. The time can be set from morning, afternoon, evening, to night. There is no limit to when the patient can get treatment for their drug addiction.

If this outpatient rehab treatment does not work, the patient is or can be advised to take on its intense variation called “intensive outpatient rehab”, where the intensity of the treatment increases, but the treatment essentially remains the same.

Treatment through inpatient rehab.

In inpatient rehab, the patient gets to go through a thorough check up, they are advised to go to a rehab facility and live there for a set period of time, which will be set by the rehab specialist during the consultation and testing process. After that, the treatment will involve complete detoxification through medicines. This is something that outpatient rehab has as well, but through therapies and counselling.

If in case the inpatient treatment is not showing any results, the patient can be given intensive inpatient rehab treatment which is a higher form of inpatient rehab—an even more intense variant.


The patient is given therapies to understand their drug addiction, to understand and share information with other drug addicts and to make sure that they do not feel alone in this process. There are different therapies, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, EMDR therapy, hypnotherapy etc. 

Therefore, if you want to get any of these treatments to make your life better without the drug addiction or someone that you might know may need that, then click on the following link to help them or yourself:

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