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Demanding Brain Injury After Accident: What You Need to Know

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Demanding Brain Injury After Accident: What You Need to Know

Demanding Brain Injury After Accident: What You Need to Know

Traumatic brain injury or TBI is caused by a wave or a heavy blow to the head. These injuries mostly occur on motorbikes, vehicles, and other big accidents. In the United States, a car accident contributed around 14% of the total number of TBI cases. If you suffer a brain injury, you don’t just have to deal with pain. Your mental function is also affected, which can make recovery very difficult. In some cases, you may never fully recover.

Complicated brain injury. They can threaten the lives and also long term. TBI claims are also difficult to deal with because the price is expensive and can be too long to be directed. If you or loved ones have suffered brain injuries after a car accident, you might want to consider hiring a car accident lawyer in Manhattan.

How do you find out if you have TBI?

The only way to find out if you have TBI is to go to a doctor or specialist for the diagnosis. This is why it is very important to go to the hospital after a car accident, even if you don’t see signs of physical injury. The main injury occurs when there is a severe blow to your head.

The impact of the blow causes your brain to collide with your skull. This can damage your whole brain or lobe. You might look fine, especially if you don’t have any other injury. However, your brain may begin to swell, push your skull, and minimize oxygen-rich blood flow.

Some of the symptoms that you can include the following:


Loss of consciousness


Confusion / disorientation.

Poor concentration




Memory loss

Look for medical attention as soon as you experience such symptoms. Symptoms also vary because every brain injury is different. Because of the complexity of brain injury, several factors are considered in lawsuits:

Party responsible

Before claiming a brain injury, you must first determine the at-fault party. This can be a challenge because, in some cases, other drivers are not always responsible. The driver might cause the accident, but it’s not their responsibility to pay for your injury.

For example, if the at-fault driver is a bus or driver of the company, their employer can be responsible. In some other cases, injuries can be produced from the damaged part, and in this case, the manufacturer is responsible.

Value of Your Claim

You need to know how worthy of your injury to ensure that you get compensation correctly. Don’t know what you have to get in the completion or as award can mean that you receive low compensation.

Claims of brain injury can have economic and non-economic damage. If you don’t appreciate the cost of treating your injury or handling a condition for a long time, you might have to pay the fee out of the bag.

Your loss must include hospital bills, transportation costs, lost wages or working days, the adverse effects of accidents, suffering, and more. Your accident caller must be able to calculate your losses and negotiate fair compensation.

Statute limitations

The statutes of limitations vary from country to country, and you need to realize how much time you have to use. Most states have a time limit of two or three years, and if you fail to file your lawsuit in the specified time, your claim may no longer be valid.

Lawyers injured experienced car accidents are aware of their country’s limitations and will ensure that you do not lose your right to claim.

Car accident lawyers will help you with your brain injury lawsuit

Brain injury is difficult to deal with, and get compensation for them is also more challenging. To make the process of fighting for your legal rights for more easily compensation, talking to a car accident lawyer about your injury and allowing them to handle your lawsuit. In this way, you will be able to concentrate on your recovery.

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