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6 ways to stay fit can reduce anxiety

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6 ways to stay fit can reduce anxiety

6 ways to stay fit can reduce anxiety

Often, mental health and physical health are interrelated with each other. Endorphins released from sports can have a positive impact on one’s mental health, so that it remains physically healthy is the suggested way to reduce stress and anxiety.

However, there are a number of ways that remain fit can help someone achieve this goal, and some of the ways are the outline below. Use the following information as a motivation to improve your physical and mental health:

Endorfin release

For those who are not used to, endorphins are a group of hormones released into the brain and the nervous system that has various physiological functions. In particular, they are produced by the central nervous system and acting on opiate receptors in our brain, which helps reduce pain and increase pleasure.

While the full goal of endorphins in the human body is still not understood, the researchers know that they are released when exposed to pain, but also in activities such as eating, exercising, or during sex. It is known that these chemicals reduce pain and stress, so that their release during exercise is a very good way to reduce anxiety.

Mental transfer of trigger anxiety

Sports can be an effective interference from the trigger of any anxiety that someone has. However, it is difficult to focus on what causes temporary anxiety and exercise. With all your focus on growing stronger, both in the gym or running, your brain prioritizes the body and focuses less on the topic that causes anxiety.

Change the brain chemistry

In addition to standard endorphins, sports can increase the amount of anti-anxiety neurochemistry in your brain. Chemicals such as serotonin, neurotropic factors that are reduced by the brain, and gamma aminobutic acid are all increased during exercise. Only one training session that can increase these levels, so aiming to exercise for a little time a day is enough to see some benefits.

Different brain activation

When exercising, the brain frontal area is activated responsible for the executive function. This means the frontal area controls Amygdala, which is a reaction system for felt threats, both real or imaginary. Therefore, exercise and activate this brain area can help reduce anxiety but further activate Amygdala.

Increased levels of chemicals like cannabis

Believe it or not, exercise also increases the existence of chemicals known as endocannabinoids, which have marijuana properties. These natural chemicals have the nature of increasing welfare that are partly responsible for “height” that someone feels after exercising.

These chemicals act on the brain because endorphins do and can help reduce stress and anxiety at the same time.

Emotional release source

Sometimes, the source of emotional release is that everyone needs to feel better and reduce anxiety. Exercise is a great catalyst to release emotions into wherever practice you choose. The human body tends to withstand tension naturally, but positive endorphin floods and chemicals into the brain from sports can clean up the negative emotions and tensions of this system.

The reason for this is a widespread muscle relaxation that occurs when exercising. In fact, this can even be seen in the massage and that is why massage therapy is also a profitable way to reduce tension and anxiety.

Caring for your body both mentally and physically is one of the most important ways to foster a positive mindset and reduce anxiety or stress. Although it might be difficult to find time to exercise every day, it is best to try to adjust with a short 20 minute exercise into your daily schedule.

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