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What Others Don’t Tell You about the Effects of Anavar on Libido?

2 min read
Effects of Anavar on Libido

Like any other steroid, Anavar is very effective when it comes to muscle mass gains without any water retention. But it is not a secret how Anavar affects sperm count. In return, Anavar has a huge effect on libido in both men and women.

Since Anavar is a very popular product, more users are convinced that this is a very effective steroid. Which is why more bodybuilders and athletes are becoming more intrigued about how the drug has changed the lives and performance of other users? But is it really safe to use?

What is Anavar?

Anavar is one of the widely known anabolic steroids worldwide. But despite its popularity, you should know that this is a Class I anabolic steroid with very light androgenic properties. This is the reason why it is very safe to use. Anavar was also a very useful drug for medical purposes in treating victims of burns as well as to relieve bone pain caused by osteoporosis. This drug was also used to increase calcium absorption and help in strengthening the bones. It increases lean muscle mass while decreasing fat.

Anavar for Bodybuilding

Anavar is commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders, especially those who are preparing for a competition. However, despite its efficacy, Anavar is not at its best when stacked with other steroids. This is a potent anabolic steroid that has a half-life of 8 to 9 hours which can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

Anavar can survive when it passes through the liver making it a good choice for oral administration with mild liver toxicity effects. It also has very little side effects on users. If you want to build muscles, Anavar is the best choice. This product is commonly used by fighters, bodybuilders, weightlifters, as well as people in sports who want to build their muscles and improve performance.

Anavar and Libido

Anavar will have a very mild effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary HPTA as long as you are using it in low doses like 5 mg which is mostly prescribed on children. But the doses for bodybuilding will have a higher probability of causing testosterone suppression. According to some studies, there is a 37% reduction in testosterone in just five days. The studies reveal that Anavar is a strong suppressive compound on the HPTA testicular hypothalamus-pituitary which would require a user to undergo a post cycle therapy or PCT. How Anavar affects sperm count can result in a decrease in sexual desire or libido. This is the reason why those who are using testosterone-suppressing steroids are also using testosterone supplements to balance the hormone-level in the body.

When using Anavar, make sure that you understand how it positively and negatively affects the body. As long as you are using the steroid in safe doses, you will surely reap the benefits of your efforts. Anavar is very popular in increasing muscle mass without any water retention. But Anavar can be more effective when it is paired with proper exercise and diet.

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